AOM’s Stairwell

Imaginative Fiber Installation

Remember when we asked for yarn donations for our fiber installation project in the AOM stairwell? Watch the transformation as bursts of creativity blended with imagination and some hands-on craftmanship and lots of yarn bring it to life.

And like telling a story, I suppose, it is like unwinding a spool of yarn - you sometimes lose track of the beginning.

Everyone is jumping in on the fun! Students, visitors, volunteers, staff, and board members drop by to contribute to making (seems like a gazillion) pom poms to decorate the stairwell bannister.

Our Yarn Station is dwindling with each new layer adding levels of dimension and changing personality. Looking down from the second floor platform, you wonder, “What will it be”?

Artist Samara Camyn, the creative mind behind the art installation, is seated in our yarn station, which was generously donated. This fabric installation originated as a project initiated with the artistic children in our AOM Academy for Homeschoolers art class.

We invite you to see the imaginative fiber art installation first-hand; it's spuntacular.