Refund Policy
We understand that you may find the need to cancel a registration. Here’s how:
Open your confirmation email, and click the “cancel appointment” button.
If you do not have your confirmation email, call our Patron Services Specialist at 479-474-7767 to cancel a registration for you.
Upon receipt of your cancellation, you will automatically be refunded 75% of the registration fee.
We retain 25% to cover expenses related to your registration including class supplies and preparation and instructor fees.
Please allow 7-10 days for the refund to show up on your billing statement.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our Patron Services Specialist
at 479-474-7767.
How to reschedule a class date to another class date within the same program.
Open your email confirmation and click “Change/Cancel Appointment” to open a dialog box then click “Reschedule” and click on your preferred date/time spot that is available.
If you do not have your confirmation email, call our Patron Services Specialist
at 479-474-7767 to reschedule for you.
Some programs are offered only once. In such instances, you will need to cancel your registration in order to receive a refund.